WODcompete will be shutdown!

Linnamasters 2019 -karsinta


Event #2 Part B

EMOM 6 minutes with increasing weights: 3 Power Clean + 3 Front Squat + 3 Shoulder to Overhead

*If all repetitions are completed (54) then the athlete will perform as many repetitions as possible of shoulder to overhead in the remaining time of the 6th minute.

# ATHLETE Result Points
Ulrika Kurten 67.000 reps 0
Nina Fagerlund 63.000 reps 2
Hannele Korhonen 63.000 reps 2
Johanna Pihlamo 58.000 reps 4
minna kaske 45.000 reps 5
Hanna-Mari Alander 42.000 reps 6
Päivi Haapoja 42.000 reps 6
Eija Kivi 37.000 reps 8
Leena Leva 34.000 reps 9

WODcompete - Will be shutdown on 1st of September 2023!

We will focus our development on our WODconnect platform and will shutdown WODcompete in September. Thank you all for using the service!