WODcompete will be shutdown!




Athlete Affiliate Team RankEvent 1Event 2Event 3Points
Aino Mäensyrjä CrossFit Central NLA Crossfit Central NLA 20.000 reps #123 60.003 kgs (14:39, #95) 19.000 reps #118 336
Hanna Villa CrossFit Central NLA CrossFit Central NLA 51.001 reps (2, #77) 50.000 kgs (12:09, #116) 78.000 reps #103 296
Katja Holman CrossFit Central NLA Crossfit Central NLA 0.000 reps #124 0.000 kgs #124 0.000 reps #121 600
Anne Takala CrossFit Central NLA Crossfit Central NLA 55.001 reps (5, #56) 60.012 kgs (11:13, #86) 104.000 reps #51 193

WODcompete - Will be shutdown on 1st of September 2023!

We will focus our development on our WODconnect platform and will shutdown WODcompete in September. Thank you all for using the service!