WODcompete will be shutdown!




Athlete Affiliate Team RankEvent 1Event 2Event 3Points
Tyko Hellsten CrossFit East Turku Magical unicorns from the eastland 76.000 reps #44 110.005 kgs (13:41, #54) 108.000 reps #57 155
Tatu Kurkinen CrossFit East Turku Magical unicorns from the Eastland 65.000 reps (0, #90) 100.006 kgs (13:54, #94) 92.000 reps #119 303
Mikko Talsi CrossFit East Turku 64.000 reps #97 90.008 kgs (13:14, #128) 84.000 reps #143 368
Petro Pajuharju CrossFit East Turku Magical Unicorns from the Eastland 76.001 reps (1, #43) 120.011 kgs (13:23, #23) 116.000 reps #38 104

WODcompete - Will be shutdown on 1st of September 2023!

We will focus our development on our WODconnect platform and will shutdown WODcompete in September. Thank you all for using the service!