WODcompete will be shutdown!

Turun Tuomiopäivä 16.-17.8.2019

TOISPUAL SUOMEE, TÄL PUAL JOKKE. ​www.turuntuomiopaiva.com


Athlete Affiliate RankEvent 1Event 2Event 3Event 4Event 5Event 6Event 7Points
Noora Åberg Crossfit East Turku 05:45 #1 16:10 #13 07:17 #2 85.003 kg #4 04:40 #4 05:03 #10 02:34 #1 33
Tiina Pirttilä Crossfit East Turku 07:10 #18 16:23 #16 12:05 #26 75.002 kg #18 04:29 #1 05:01 #5 03:07 #7 90
Kia Soininen Crossfit East Turku 06:50 #11 16:45 #18 11:53 #22 75.009 kg #11 05:10 #14 05:05 #19 03:26 #14 109
Elina Nykänen Crossfit East Turku 07:39 #25 16:03 #12 07:59 #9 97.500 kg #1 05:14 #17 04:52 #3 02:35 #2 68

WODcompete - Will be shutdown on 1st of September 2023!

We will focus our development on our WODconnect platform and will shutdown WODcompete in September. Thank you all for using the service!